Toto je oficiálna webová stránka obce Čierna nad Tisou.
Oficiálne stránky využívajú doménu
Táto stránka je zabezpečená
Buďte pozorní a vždy sa uistite, že zdieľate informácie iba cez zabezpečenú webovú stránku verejnej správy SR. Zabezpečená stránka vždy začína https:// pred názvom domény webového sídla.
Office hours for the public:
Monday 7:30 – 17:00
Tuesday 7:15 – 15:35
Wednesday 7:15 – 15:35
Thursday non-office day
Friday 7:15 – 12:00
Phone contact:
056 / 6872201
City of Čierna nad Tisou
Námestie Pionierov 151/1
076 43 Čierna nad Tisou
PROVIDING INFORMATION according to Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on free access to information as amended
The registry office receives, records, and ensures the handling of all requests for information that the City has available.
Requests for information can be submitted:
- by mail to the address: City of Čierna nad Tisou, Námestie Pionierov 151/1,
- in person: at the registry office of the City Office
- by fax: 056/6872205
- by phone: 056/6872201
- by email:
- online: through
The request for information must comply with the relevant provisions of Act No. 211/2000 Coll. and include:
- to which obliged entity it is addressed,
- name, surname, or business name of the applicant,
- address of residence/headquarters for legal entities,
- which information the request pertains to,
- the manner in which the applicant proposes to access the information.
If the request does not contain the prescribed particulars, the applicant will be asked to supplement the missing data.
Legal framework
The handling of recorded requests for information is carried out in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Slovak Republic and the internal directive of the City No. S/01/2014
Directive S/1/2014 on providing information according to Act No. 211/2000 Coll.